Henna is a flowering plant, from which traditional dyes are made. These dyes can safely be applied to skin as body art. Some people, however, either try to use other products called Black Henna or mix their own dyes from common hair dyes, which contain a chemical called p-Phenylenediamine, or PPD. This chemical is present in many over the counter hair dyes, and some artists may try to use these products to mix dyes intended for body art.

Black Henna made with PPD is a contact allergen!

Though some people have no reaction, some people get blisters, burning, itching, and permanent scarring as a result. PPD is a strong sensitizer, which is something to which repeated exposure can increase how sensitive one’s allergies are to that chemical. Increased sensitivity to PPD also can cause cross reactions, meaning one becomes allergic to similar compounds. Some of these compounds, such as Benzocaine and Procaine, are legitimate medicines available over the counter or used by dentists frequently. In people who are sensitive to or allergic to PPD, the reaction it causes can be delayed 3 to 10 days after the PPD “Black Henna” is used.

Why use PPD in Black Henna body art then anyway?

PPD is a common ingredient in hair dyes which contain henna, and available cheaply for the artist. Since many of the artists who use PPD in their henna tattoos are street-side artists in popular vacation destinations, people may have exited the city before the injury is known to them. If the artist was in another country, it is unlikely that anybody would go back to visit them. Unfortunately, there is a high profit margin due to the high demand for henna art. This is because cruise ships and similar tourist activities flood the market with money, causing people to take use the cheapest and most available materials in order to meet customer demands and for their own greed.

Helpful article on Black Henna Tattoos: http://shine.yahoo.com/beauty/caution–some-temporary-tattoos-leave-permanent-scars–184102247.html

Our Guarantee to you!

YTE events promises to NEVER use black henna and to not use any artists who use it. So, you are always safe with us! Your health and safety is our number one priority. For more information on our henna entertainment, please see our entertainment services henna page.

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